US labour news from LabourStartWhere trade unionists start their day on the net.Hollywood Fears Possibility of New Strike- July 8, 2008 Source: VoA Labor union seeks Trader Joe's assistance: Calls on grocery chain to toughen vendor policies- July 7, 2008 Source: recordnet.com Beryllium firm caught in spin mode- July 7, 2008 Source: Hazards magazine Reflections on independence and freedom- July 7, 2008 Source: Press Associates Inc. American public employee uniform makers accused of using Asian sweatshops- July 7, 2008 Source: CSR Asia Don't lef the aircraft industry leave America- July 7, 2008 Source: Wichita Eagle Building Bridges Radio: State of the Unions and George Carlin - The American Dream- July 6, 2008 Source: WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report De Niro warns against actors' strike- July 6, 2008 Source: AFP List of cities and countries that participated in the July 5th actions for a Starbucks Workers Union (IWW)- July 6, 2008 Source: grsbuxunion.blogspot.com |