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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for August 2007

$teve. Academic Rockstar,

$teve. Academic Rockstar, -

I left my credibility on the other network - August 30, 2007

Angry Beavers = Supernatural.Aaaannnngry Winchesters!

Marvel and DC Mashup - August 19, 2007

Just some idle musing of a dayI've had this idea about the Robins of DC as the Fantastic Four of Marvel. Tim as the Invisble Boy, Dick as Mr Fantastic, Jay as Human Torch and Steph as The Thing. I went for Steph as the Thing because I like the idea of her with massive strength, and near invulnerability, and rock like skin, and just standing the middle of the aftermath of a major fight against a pack of supervillans going "Cool". Alternatively, I'd give her The Human Torch powers, but I'm...

IBARW: Aces and Trump cards turn friends to points, and people to ticks in boxes - August 11, 2007

Over at Designated Sidekick, I blogged about being white and racist There was a reaction, which, frankly, I wasn't expecting, but none the less, it was the person speaking from their life and their experience. There are two follow up thoughts. First, I want to talk about one of the things that came to mind when I first read the reply.I knew I had an ace card, the proverbial get out of argument free card that I could have played to my post. The thing is, for me to play it, I had to reduce the.

Ah screw it. I was going to stay out of this a little longer - August 8, 2007

Dear SixApartThe time has come to make a decision. Do you want the current user base as it stands, or do you wish to shed users If you wish to shed users, then make a stand, post up where you see this venue going, and make public your choice. It's called repositioning. Happens all the time in business. The management decides to take the organisation in a new direction, pick a new market segment, and take it from there. You do not have to serve everyone. You may make decisions, and you...

LJ Bold Out 2007 - August 4, 2007

When they come for my LJ, since eventually they will, for I am the sort of trouble maker who pisses off people who would whine to LJ abuse, then I shall be gone from here. Given how the others have fallen, and left little more than a bold name tag in their stead, I think a preemptive announcement is essential.I have no backup.I want no backup.When LJ deems me to be worth a stealth delete in the night, I wish for everything that made this journal, every post, every link, icon, artwork, drabble.

Jesus christ it's an image post! - August 3, 2007

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