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Feed items 1 - 9 of 9 for August 2007

Underwear!!! - August 30, 2007

Vintage underwear advert from Munsingwear shows a bit of homoeroticism from my papa's days. "Let's get down to business!" via

Orgasms!!!! - August 28, 2007

Here's a fine young thing trying to speak: Here's the ad in which he apparently failed to make the cut:

Tim Browse Philosophy - August 28, 2007

"Cynicism is the condom of the romantic."

Serial Numbers - August 28, 2007

This is very cute: "Well, you guys are not rolling it back far enough to read it." Old joke to be sure, but a good one nevertheless.

Condomistic Intercourse - August 28, 2007

This term "condomistic intercourse" is a new one. Reform Catholic has an interesting take on condoms within Catholic doctrine. That being said, we Romans don't have much of a logical leg to stand on by saying condoms are always evil. They are usually a side affect of the sex act. Advertising condoms might be very evil if they are made out to be a ticket to consequence free sexual fun! But the condoms themselves are not in themselves evil, nor is the use of them. The sex act itself can be...

Opus Agonistes - August 28, 2007

Because I love a good controversy and because even more importantly I looooooooove Berkeley Breathed it is important to note how stupid this controversy is. Okay it's been noted. Me thinks it's the rampant nudity. Just last week when Mr. Breathed poked his cute little head into the office and asked I told him point blank not to reference the nudists. They get so bent out of shape so easily.

Lisa Howard Was A Dancing Condom - August 25, 2007

dancing condom, originally uploaded by Lisa.Howard.

Bored Drag - August 25, 2007

shut the dore, eat a condom, originally uploaded by lukewho. I can't tell if this is supposed to be ad for condoms or for cellphones.

Penis Envy - August 25, 2007

Here's a cute little video commercial from Condomania.
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