Subwiki's Freebsd webThe Freebsd web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.NameServer- November 22, 2003 A NameServer is a program that converts the name of a computer on the Computing.InterNet to a special numerical address that computers need to talk to one another ... (last changed by KirkStrauser) DnsBlackholeList- November 22, 2003 What Is It A DnsBlackholeList is a method of configuring your email server to block messages from servers that are believed to have directly sent spam, or have relayed ... (last changed by KirkStrauser) FreeBSD- November 22, 2003 Freebsd.FreeBSD is an Computing.OperatingSystem that runs on "x86" CPUs (Main.CentralProcessingUnits), such as those made by Intel (Main.IntelCorporation), AMD (Main ... (last changed by KirkStrauser) |