... the rest of my life.... the rest of my life. - LiveJournal.comOur baby waved... :)- March 19, 2007 Jacqui had her first ultrasound appointment today, and I took some time off work to go with her. It was actually a whole lot cooler than I was expecting, you can see a whole lot more when it's actually happening than I've ever been able to make out in those fuzzy pictures you see. The other thing that surprised me was how active the baby was... I had always assumed they were fairly sedentary, at least for the first few months, but it was swinging its arms around and carrying on like it was...http://parakleta.livejournal.com/162243.html Wedding Photos- March 11, 2007 Finally, after a little encouragement from lukeii, here's a few of the photos from the wedding. They're quite late in coming, in part because we ended up with so many photos - well over 2,000 - thanks to lukeii, melbournian and Jacqui's uncle Trevor. We still haven't even started editing the video yet. As lukeii pointed out, the baby will likely be here before we get done with all the wedding stuff. I will try and put some more up here at some point, once I've had a chance to go through..http://parakleta.livejournal.com/162020.html |