.NET Ramblings - Brian Noyes' BlogOccasional mutterings on .NET architecture and developmentUpcoming Talks at VSLive! San Francisco- February 22, 2008 I'll be speaking at VSLive! San Francisco this year after quite a few years since doing a VSLive! conference. I'm looking forward to it. The two talks I'll be giving are: Exploit WPF Graphics without Wounding the Eyes Build Composite UI Applications with CAB and SCSF If you havent already registered for VSLive San Francisco, you can receive a $695 discount on the Gold Passport if you register using priority code SPNOY. More at www.vslive.comsf Hope to see you there!http://www.softinsight.com/bnoyes/2008/02/22/UpcomingTalksAtVSLiveSanFrancisco.aspx .NET Rocks! - WPF Update- February 14, 2008 I did another .NET Rocks! interview with Carl and Richard last week and it has gone live. You can find it here. We discussed a lot of tangential aspects of WPF including adoption rates, UI patterns, the WPF Composite (codename Prism) work I am doing with Microsoft patterns and practices, and a lot more. Check it out if you have an hour to kill away from the keyboard.http://www.softinsight.com/bnoyes/2008/02/14/NETRocksWPFUpdate.aspx Build your own music database for demos and samples- February 13, 2008 I have a music database I have been using for years for demos because lets face it, music data is a lot more engaging than tired old Northwind. The database I was using had been hacked together with some crude code that read MP3 metadata tags through some Windows APIs and a web service client that pulled down album art from Amazon. However it was write oncerun once sort of code and I never got around to cleaning it up so others could generate their own database and not be stuck with the few...http://www.softinsight.com/bnoyes/2008/02/13/BuildYourOwnMusicDatabaseForDemosAndSamples.a... |