To Live and Die in ConnecticutThoughts on Life and the Modern Practice of Criminal Law(Untitled)- September 17, 2004 Expertise expert: <noun> one with a special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject. I've been asked more than once over the past year or two to serve in different habeas corpus proceedings as an expert witness. The issues are generally the same: as an attorney experienced in this kind of work, would you have done what was done at the trial in this case Or how would you have done it differently At first blush, it might seem an honor to be called... (Untitled)- September 16, 2004 Not surprisingly, it has taken me two days to get Monday's blog submission published. It probably had more to do with my need to renew my commitment with Radio Userland. Now that things seem to be back to normal, I'll get back in the swing soon. In the meantime, it's been great reading everyone else's work. Some new, some seasoned, some missing entirely. With the Presidential election on the near horizon, there will likely be plenty to write about. I just... (Untitled)- September 14, 2004 Well, after waiting more than four months to get back to the blog, it now appears I can't publish what I just wrote out on the web. Maybe that was what kept me away for so long: my impatience with the process. In any event, if these things suddenly start to appear, you'll know that I have been persistent. Godd night. Again, it feels good to be back. (Untitled)- September 14, 2004 Where the hell have I been Probably waiting for the right time to come back. I looked at the blog in the last week and saw that the last time I had posted anything was the end of April. So why now Why even bother to write anything after more than 4 months Well, I'm not really sure. Alot has happened since I last blogged. I found out that the Judges were reading what I had been writing. Doing google searches on what was being published on the internet... |