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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for January 2004

The LitiGator

Michigan lawyers specializing in civil litigation

Nothin' subtle about this one - January 27, 2004

Source: boing boing

Nordberg on Olson on Edwards and junk science - January 26, 2004

The excellent Blog702, which focuses on issues relating to Daubert and the admissibility of scientific evidence, has something important to say about the criticism leveled against John Edwards by Walter Olson and others, criticizing his use of "junk science" in cases he pursued as a plaintiff's trial attorney: So it's worth mentioning that the expert evidence Edwards has been criticized for using was ruled admissible, in lawsuits in which Edwards's clients prevailed. Litigators,...

Another textualist conundrum - January 26, 2004

The Grand Rapids Press reports today that the Michigan Supreme Court is being asked to address the case of David Sanchez, an illegal alien who was seriously injured on the job in 1998 at Eagle Alloy, a Muskegon foundry, and who drew workers' compensation benefits for about a year until his illegal status and his use of forged documents was discovered.  The issues in the case, as described by the Press: Lawyers for Sanchez maintain he's entitled to benefits even after he was fired...

Political mavens take note - January 26, 2004

It took Instapundit to point it out to us:  The Detroit News is seeking volunteer weblog authors for 30-day runs during the 2004 election season.  I would consider participating, but the News would want to publish my photo, which would tend to diminish the reputation I have so carefully crafted.

Case against airline can continue - January 25, 2004

Friday's Free Press reports that Judge Gerald Rosen of the Eastern District of Michigan has declined to dismiss a case against Northwest Airlines alleging that it failed to supervise an 11-year-old girl who was traveling alone, allowing her to be molested by another passenger.   Rosen rejected the argument that the case must fail under previous Michigan cases holding that businesses have no general duty to protect their customers from the criminal acts of others, noting that the..

What happened at Tuskegee - January 22, 2004

Richard Schweder, writing in Tuskegee Re-Examined at the Spiked Science section of the Spiked Online site, reports on the Tuskegee study, popularly mischaracterized as a racist and genocidal experiment in which black men were deliberately kept from receiving treatment for syphilis.  In many accounts it is falsely claimed that they were deliberately infected with syphilis for the study.  Schweder looked into the study in the interest of learning what did occur, and..

Clinton in Qatar - January 21, 2004

And while we bask in the glow of positive comments on our adversaries, check out the column by Ralph Peters in the New York Post, describing Bill Clinton's speech to a conference in Qatar.  Peters was surprised at how forceful and how positive Clinton was. As soon as he took the podium, Clinton began taking stands as brave as they were necessary. With virtuoso skill, he led the audience where they needed to go - while convincing them it was where they had wanted to end up all along. His..

Mackinac Center on the Gov - January 20, 2004

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a conservative think tank based in Midland, has issued a report card, grading Gov. Granholm after her first year in office.  The verdict, perhaps a bit surprising: a B-. The report compliments Granholm for avoiding the prevailing liberal tendency to resort immediately to tax increases to counter declining revenues, the approach used by Gov. Bob Taft of Ohio.  She has cut spending at many levels of state government, including the Executive...
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