The Social Software WeblogThe Social Software WeblogIHT, OhMyNews partner- May 30, 2006 Filed under: citizen media, MSMI just watched Hong Eun-taek, Editor-In-Chief of the of South Korea based citizen journalism project OhMyNews speak at the NetSquared conference (disclosure: I work for Net Squared). Amongst the interesting details of Eun-taek's talk was a statement that the organization aims to become a global news wire similar to the AP and Reuters. One of the most recent steps towards that end is a partnership begun in recent weeks to swap headlines... Four memediggers compared: Digg, Reddit, Meneame and Hugg- May 30, 2006 Filed under: aggregatorsCall them memediggers, community moderated news sites, or digg clones. User submitted news moderated up or down by other users and available for comments. Call them whatever you wish, this new class of social media warrants close examination in order to make the most of the potential it presents. Which of these sites get the most use, see the most conversation and are most useful to their readers How should people looking to launch new digg-style sites organize things.. Actortracker is an impressive topic-specific affiliate link mashup- May 29, 2006 Filed under: is a very impressive mashup of feeds from TV talk shows, movies and more mixed with affiliate links for videos and other memorabilia concerning your favorite actors. Most commercially oriented mashups seem a step away from cheesy splogs, but this one is very nice. Many features and a nice aesthetic let you know that the people behind ActorTracker spent a lot of time on it. Unfortunately, there appears to be some problem with the ... MySpace, Inconvenient Truth partner up- May 28, 2006 Filed under: nptech, social networkingBeing bought by the owner of the Fox empire hasn't scared MySpace away from partnering with Al Gore's high profile film about global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth." Announced last week but receiving little play in the blogosphere to date, the partnership appears to be more low-key online than the previous X-Men promotion but set to leverage the online community for real-world public events. The movie's main site doesn't appear to make any... EarthLink approved to provide wifi in New Orleans- May 26, 2006 Filed under: wireless mediaEarthLink announced today that they have been approved to provide wifi service to New Orleans. According to the company's blog:"The network will have two tiers -- a free (and ad-free) service at up to 300kbps during the city's rebuilding efforts, and a paid service at 1mbps updown. EarthLink will also allow other providers to offer their services over the network, allowing for open access and competition."There was some seriously strange legal wranglings about... RSS feeds from surprising nonhuman sources: what examples are there- May 26, 2006 Filed under: RSSWorking on a presentation for a conference where I'm going to talk about RSS and am wondering - what are the coolest examples of nonhuman generation of RSS feeds I know that technically every search feed, stock report feeds and things like that are generated without the immediate involvement of humans. But some time ago Lisa Williams told me about a buoy at sea that publishes a feed of hourly updates to all kinds of weather conditions. That's from the Gulf of.. Edelman acquires PR firm of Mozilla, many other tech companies- May 25, 2006 Filed under: bloggingSteve Rubel just wrote that his employer Edelman has acquired the Silicon Valley PR company A&R Partners. Rubel says that many of the company's clients are already blogging. Edelman leadership appears focused on bringing corporate communications into the new world of social media in some very cool ways, albeit learning from mistakes like the Walmart bloggers situation. Here's a client list for A&R, you might notice that Mozilla is on there. ... CA AG candidate launches RSS to IM notification system- May 25, 2006 Filed under: IM, nptech, RSSCalifornia Attorney General candidate Rocky Delgadillo doesn't just have a long list of endorsements on his side - he's got new web tools going for him as well. Delgadillo's campaign just launched a new service offering for supporters wanting to keep up with the campaign - RSS to IM notification from The letters RSS don't appear anywhere on the site, in fact there's not a link to subscribe to news from the campaign in a feed reader - but there.. Global Voices Online begins compilation podcast- May 25, 2006 Filed under: citizen media, podcasting, aggregatorsThe international blog aggregation community Global Voices Online has released its first edition of the Global Voices Podcast, a compilation of clips from podcasts around the world. The first episode manages to fit in satire from South Africa about the visibility of queer people, coverage of bloggers' take on an upcoming election in Mexico (in Spanish) and clips from Jamaica, IsraelPalestine, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the Philippines and... boyd, Jenkins MIT interview on MySpace and DOPA- May 25, 2006 Filed under: social networkingMySpace and youth social software expert danah boyd has released the full text of an email interview she and Henry Jenkins, Co-Director of Comparative Media Studies at MIT, recently did with the MIT News Office on MySpace and the proposed Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA). Lots of good detail and analysis here, a great example of the usefulness of email interviews. Helpful in understanding the proposed legislation, MySpace and youth social software... |