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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for July 2008


regaling the web with tales of whoa

My Kingdom for a Plan - July 7, 2008

I was thinking this week about how both Al and I tend to shop for food based on what looks interesting, what we're craving, what's in season, and what's on sale rather than on what meals we can make out of the items we buy or what their expiration dates are. Thus, we often end up with many things that must be eaten within the next 1-3 days&8212;which means either (1) something (or more than one thing) goes bad or (2) we end up eating way more food than we intended (or should have). Sadly, most.

Petulant Foodie - July 6, 2008

Confession: I tend to get grumpy when I don't get the food I want. I find, however, that it's much worse when someone else chooses the restaurant and I feel dragged along; in those cases, I can become almost irrationally upset. Al knows this about me, and thus when I don't get the thing I want because of his or the waiter's mistake, he'll be the one to speak up and make it right. I admire both his chivalry and his cleverness, and I lament my childish poutiness.

Ugh, Stuffed - July 5, 2008

Today's 4th of July bonanza consisted of: Two veggie dogs (one with bun & fixins, one plain); an ear of grilled corn on the cob; four grilled sweet pepper wedges (i.e., roughly one whole pepper); a giant grilled sea scallop; a bottle of Sea Dog blueberry wheat beer, bought in Portland, and half a bottle of Sam Adams Summer Ale; a crazy dense chocolate oval dessert from Whole Foods; some WF berry, cake, & cream parfait with extra blueberries; and a cup of mango ceylon decaf tea.

Full Moon - July 4, 2008

Al and Tony went shopping for our 4th of July cookout today, but I'll detail what they bought&8212;lots of "Lori foods," Al says&8212;tomorrow, when we actually eat the stuff. Today I want to talk about the dinner we had at Full Moon, a sophisticated restaurant in Cambridge that caters to families.

Today's Tasty Treats - July 3, 2008

We started the morning in Portland, where we again visited the Standard Baking Company for both gifts for our Boston hosts and breakfast treats for ourselves. I tried the seasonal fruit buckle for the first time, and like the brownies, scones, and molasses cookies, it's outstanding.

Portland Food Recommendations - July 2, 2008

I was all set to write a lovely first-day-of-July post on this month's NaBloPoMo theme of FOOD, but the hotel Internet has gone down, and I'm stuck typing on my iPhone's virtual keyboard with one thumb. I'll come back tomorrow and add links, but for now I just need to recommend a few things to try if you find yourself in Portland, Maine.
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