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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for June 2008


regaling the web with tales of whoa

Randomania - June 16, 2008

Between Beaner duty in the mornings, long working hours, and other family obligations, as well as upcoming vacation plans, June's obviously going to be a light posting month. Thus every post I do squeeze in will likely have some variation on the word "random" in its title. Sorry about the spewing, but I want to record a few observations and happenings before I forget them. As I've mentioned many times before, this blog is the best resource I have for keeping track of my and my family's...

Burning the Candle (But Not Melting Down) - June 10, 2008

I'm on Day 2 of 7 where I'm responsible for watching the Beaner from 8:30-11:15am, then working from 11:15 to 7:15 as well as for my usual hour or so after he goes to bed. In order to fit my trip to the gym in and get back and showered before Al has to leave for work, I have to get up at 6:30am.

The Perfect Solution - June 9, 2008

We've been looking for (a) something to go in the "Christmas tree corner" of the living room, near the sliding glass door&8212;preferably either a lamp or something that would hold a lamp; and (b) a place to store all my cameras, camera accessories, and film.

Ah, Youth - June 3, 2008

From an e-mail I received yesterday from the Morris Arboretum (where Al, the Beaner & I are members):

Aphids! - June 1, 2008

I was out surveying my garden domain on Friday night, feeling really happy with how things were growing, when upon closer inspection of the largest orange pepper plant, I spotted a bunch of tiny green bugs covering the new growth in the center of the plant. ACK, APHIDS!!
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