Terrorism's New Face: NGO's and People of Conscience- June 30, 2008 By Dr. Martin Balluch, Association Against Animal Factories, From prison hospital in Vienna , Austria. Originally published at Thomas Paine's Corner On Wednesday 21st May, my life was to change drastically. We had prepared a new campaign on a constitutional...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/30/terrorisms_new.php Welcome to the Badlands- June 30, 2008 By Anwaar Hussain of TruthSpring What must never, repeat never, be done is to negotiate a treaty with these elements from a weaker position. A Pathan despises weakness as much in himself as in any one else. Such treaties are...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/30/welcome_to_the.php Tired of Being Lied To- June 29, 2008 Are you tired of being lied to I am. We supposedly live in a democracy. We supposedly have the mechanisms for an informed citizenry. We supposedly have mechanisms in place to protect the our health, security, and environment. Yet time...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/29/tired_of_being_1.php The Audacity of Arrogance- June 29, 2008 BY Joel S. Hirschhorn author of Delusional Democracy and Friends of the Article V Convention Anyone who doubts the downside of hubris should think of the losing campaign of Hillary Clinton. Like cholesterol in arteries, extreme arrogance can block seeing...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/29/the_audacity_of.php The Magic Vagina- June 28, 2008 By Suki Falconberg. Originally published at Thomas Paine's Corner The vagina dentata. It is a mythological construct, a vagina equipped with sharp teeth, supposedly reflecting the male's fear of losing his member if he invades that mysterious place, a woman's...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/28/the_magic_vagin.php SUMMARY: Re-Envisioning Defense: An Agenda for US Policy Debate and Transition.- June 28, 2008 By Carl Conetta, and Charles Knight of Project on Defense Alternatives The United States is entering a critical period of policy transition. Beginning with the advent of a new administration in Washington, and continuing through the end of 2010, all...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/28/summary_reenvis.php George Carlin's Gift to Apocalypse- June 26, 2008 I second Carolyn Baker's thoughts on the inestimable George Carlin. I am sure that his sharp tongue and wit is cheering us on from the great beyond. By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power This morning as I began...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/25/george_carlins.php On Humiliation, and Gaza's Dying Children- June 23, 2008 By Ramzy Baroud (ramzybaroud.net) - author of The Second Palestinian Intifada: A Chronicle of a People's Struggle (Pluto Press, 2006), and editor of PalestineChronicle.com A six-year-old Palestinian girl from Gaza was killed by Israeli fire on 12 June. "Medics say...http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2008/06/23/on_humiliation.php |