testdriven.com: Your test-driven development communityDedicated to promoting good will in the test-driven communityBugHuntress QA Lab. Mobile usability testing: problems and solutions- March 29, 2008 High-quality usability of mobile applications can be a winning competitive advantage in the today's software market. Nonetheless, BugHuntress QA Lab experience in independent software testing showed that high-quality user interfaces occurred in about 70% of desktop applications, while a similar number for mobile applications is about 40%.This article covers the following topics: - What usability is in brief; - Basic standards of the user interface; - Mobile standards; - Mobile interface...http://www.testdriven.com/modules/mylinks/singlelink.php?lid=1378 BugHuntress QA Lab- March 29, 2008 Software testing company BugHuntress QA Lab offers expert-level testing of software products, independent verification and validation (IV&V), as well as dedicated testing team services. BugHuntress core expertise is testing of embedded hardware-software systems, wireless mobile applications, mobile internet, Web 2.0, e-Business systems. BugHuntress performs automated and manual testing of functionality, usability, load, performance, compatibility, and other types of testing. High level of...http://www.testdriven.com/modules/mylinks/singlelink.php?lid=1377 mockito: Java mock objects library- March 4, 2008 Java mocking is dominated by expect-run-verify libraries like EasyMock or jMock. Mockito offers simpler and more intuitive approach: you ask questions about interactions after execution. Using mockito, you can verify what you want, without expensive setup upfront. Mockito aims to be transparent and let the developer to focus on testing selected behavior.http://www.testdriven.com/modules/mylinks/singlelink.php?lid=1376 DataConstructor- March 1, 2008 This is a database build tool that changes how databases are built to enable truly test-driven development. Which, in turn, enables true refactoring. Which enables true agility in the database world.http://www.testdriven.com/modules/mylinks/singlelink.php?lid=1374 Hexagon Software - Technical Articles- March 1, 2008 All technical articles put out by Hexagon Software LLC, which is a company that produces tools for agile software developers.http://www.testdriven.com/modules/mylinks/singlelink.php?lid=1375 |