tikiwiki.org wiki pagesLast modifications to the Wiki.InterTiki- June 29, 2008 - This feature allows different tikis to communicate with each other. It's based on the xmlrpc protocol, so it will be extendable to several other applications. It was commited in the CVS 1.9 Branch on 12232005 by mose. Actually, new features should be in HEAD but this one is really needed in the Tikiwiki community for gathering authentication for subdomains .tikiwiki.org.+ This feature allows different tikis to communicate with each other. It's based on the xmlrpc protocol, so it will be...http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=InterTiki DogFood- June 28, 2008 + + In 2007, www.wiki-translation.com was launched in an effort to participate to the development of a good system to manage the multilingual documentation at doc.tikiwiki.org.http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=DogFood CMS Landscape- June 27, 2008 - Criteria TikiWiki CMSGroupware Joomla! Drupal Plone Typo3 ImpressCMS (Xoops fork) Xoops eZpublish WordPress e107 DotNetNuke SPIPNumber of commiters 171 (ohloh is in process of re-counting) 47 191216 260 30 30 7 84 14 18 Ohloh stacks 35 149 205 91 59 22 25 30 290 8 6 11IRC chat room size (freenode) 32 80 248 132 40 5 (must use something else) 2 (must use something else) 18 141 27 0 (must use something else) 35Facebook group 144 1351 1675 260 ...http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=CMS+Landscape Top-10 differences- June 24, 2008 - Tiki has an all-in-one, Swiss-army-knife approach to features, compared to the small core, add third party modules for completion model. Modules typically aren't broken by Tiki updates.+ Tiki has an all-in-one, Swiss-army-knife approach to features, compared to the small core, add third party modules for completion model. Features are not broken with updates.http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Top-10+differences |