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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for January 2008

Tendoryu Aikido Berlin e.V.

Tendoryu Aikido Berlin e.V.

Neuigkeiten- - January 8, 2008

The Seminar in France As scheduled this years foreign spring seminars started with a one-week stay in France. Early we received from the local French representative Pascal Olivier (43 years old, about 30 years of Aikido experience) the...

Shimizu Sensei- - January 8, 2008

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Der Lehrgang in Frankreich- - January 8, 2008

75 201 ...

Shimizu Sensei-Articles from Shimizu Sensei - January 8, 2008

The english translations from the articles written by Shimizu Sensei. Tendokan Kawaraban No. 1 The king of beasts (011990) Tendokan Kawaraban No. 2 Etiquette and the martial strategy (041990) Tendokan Kawaraban No. 4 Education is a...

Der Lehrgang in Frankreich-Der Lehrgang in Frankreich - January 8, 2008

Kawaraban Nr. 74 052008vom Leiter des Tendokan, Kenji Shimizu Gem den Planungen begannen die diesjhrigen auslndischen Frhjahrslehrgnge mit einem 1-wchigen Aufenthalt in Frankreich. Vom lokalen Verantwortlichen, Pascal Olivier (43...

Der Lehrgang in Frankreich-The Seminar in France - January 8, 2008

Kawaraban No. 74 052008 by the head of Tendokan, Kenji Shimizu As scheduled this years foreign spring seminars started with a one-week stay in France. Early we received from the local French representative Pascal Olivier (43 years old, about...

Bilder- - January 6, 2008

2008 ...
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