autounfocusNonperiodic oscillation between learning objects, informal online communities, self-organization, peer learning, instructional technology, open source culture, and intellectual property law.OLS -- it works!- April 29, 2004 So today I was stumbling around the OLS site and found the following exchange. This is it&8230; this is what Open Learning Support is about. autounfocus readers may find this boring or even lame, but I&8217;m just so excited to see an instance of OLS facilitating the kind of interaction we intended that I just had to make a post&8230; OLS Pilot Goes Live- April 20, 2004 Our Open Learning Support pilot project went live this morning. There are now seven MIT OpenCourseWare &8220;courses&8221; pointing to OLS communities: Linear Algebra Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving Introduction to Algorithms Introduction to Optimization Electricity and Magnetism Intermediate Applied Microeconomics Real Estate Finance and Investment You can also visit the OLS homepage at We&8217;re really excited for today to finally come, and... Scalability and Sociability in Online Learning Environments- April 19, 2004 This is a draft of a book chapter explaining the theoretical foundations (at a high level) of our Open Learning Support project. Attempts to explain the why and how of informal self-organinzing learning communities in under 4000 words. Blogs work again- April 17, 2004 After about a week&8217;s downtime, blogs are now functioning again (yes, everyone, you can now login again!). Many things happening at once here; just back from a super AERA; I&8217;m hoping to make an OLS related announcement next week. Also finished some writing this last week which I hope to post soon&8230; Hijacked!- April 9, 2004 A kindly phone call alerted me late today that is now running porn links. &8220;Great,&8221; I thought, &8220;we&8217;ve been compromised.&8221; If only that were the truth. The truth is much more painful. Somehow ownership of the domain has mysteriously changed hands. And not only did the thieves steal the domain, they are still running the EduCommons logo at the top and have maintained some of the language from the original site. Effect - to the casual user... |