AMEXPAT (EN)Information for Americans exploring expatriation. No fees or personal sign-up required.The Long Emergency- March 24, 2005 What's going to happen as we start running out of cheap gas to guzzle James Kunstler offers a glimpse into the future of high-cost fuels that will make living "The American Dream" a very expensive proposition. A few weeks ago, the price of oil ratcheted above fifty-five dollars a barrel, which is about twenty dollars a barrel more than a year ago. The next day, the oil story was buried on page six of the New York Times business section. Apparently, the price of oil is not considered... Unreadable Web Graphics- March 8, 2005 Technical analysts and others often commit the fatal error of providing their charts and other fine text on dark backgrounds — which makes them virtually unreadable. I cannot recount the number of stock charts presented on various web sites where tiny lines became impossible to make out simply because they were "sucked dry" by a dark background. Here's the science: About 8% of men and 2% of women are color blind. An estimated 8 12 million Americans are visually impaired (though not.. The Shameful Charade of 'Right' vs. 'Left'- March 2, 2005 Modern conservatism, in the United States and Europe, is confused and distorted. Under the influence of representative democracy and with the transformation of the U.S. and Europe into mass democracies from World War I, conservatism was transformed from an anti-egalitarian, aristocratic, anti-statist ideological force into a movement of culturally conservative statists: the right wing of the socialists and social democrats. — Hans-Hermann Hoppe Most basic goals shared by the American. |