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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for January 2004

The Road to .Net End

Charting a course to a managed existence

Geek Memorials - January 30, 2004

In a follow-up to the Geek plates, Computing in the UK has a Back-Bytes column running humourous stories about the industry. One in this week was, 'What epitaph would programmers have on their tombstone' Cited examples were things like 'Terminated and stayed resident' for those old DOS types and the the XML heads such as Mike...'<Mike>'. I suppose me-Release() for the COM types a bit of IDispose wouldn't go amiss. What would yours be

The London Lap - January 26, 2004

As the train trundles home, I've time to reflect on being presented with the Loghorn roadmap. BillG had a busy day - It was announced he will receive an honorary knighthood, he gave a talk as part of the chancellor's speech and finished our day off with some seamless computing. Certainly the vision of ubiquitous computing across many diverse devices seems to be pretty near - how good the experience can become and how much Microsoft gets of the play remains to be seen. The pillars of Longhorn...

Disciple daze - January 22, 2004

As a non-attendee of PDC this year, I now have a chance to see Don and Chris's Lap of Longhorn (I know it was on MSDN but you can't beat it live.) Don't think I'll see the curry though.

Exceptions - January 22, 2004

It's been a bit heads down lately both at work and away. Despite the majority of activity taking place in a legacy environment, there has been plenty of learning opportunities. Some of it has been re-visiting familiar but rusty territory. Folk tend to get into poor coding habits so the recent debate on exceptions led me back to Matt Pietrek's article on WIN32 structured exception handling. It threw up some interesting surprises that are higlighted by VC7, such as the default compile switches...
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- January (4 items)
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