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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for March 2008

The Online Degree Dorm Room

Info and Tips on getting an online degree

online degree programs psychology SHRM Approves Capella HR - March 24, 2008

OK, so what&8217;s that cryptic headline about Well, if you&8217;re into Human Resources (better known as &8220;HR&8221;) then you probably have a clue. :-) Let me explain to the rest of us. SHRM stands for Society for Human Resource Management. This is the worlds largest association devoted to human resource management. The Society serves the needs of HR professionals and ...

online degree programs psychology economy goes down, degree search goes up - March 6, 2008

Ahhhhh&8230; Spring Break&8230;.. So I decided to take some time during the break to do a little research, and here&8217;s what i found. (I thought it was very interesting&8230;) It seems thatevery time the U.S. economy starts to fail, the search for college degree programs increases. According to a February 21, 2008 Conference Board report, the US leading ...
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