Andrews NewsLocal news for Andrews, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.County Historical Society salutes Mark Anson of Andrews- November 23, 2007 "Mr. Anson has given tireless time and energy to make our Huntington Historical Museum a better place" Mark Anson, a stalwart supporter of both the Huntington County Historical Society and the county's Historical Museum, is this year's recipient of the historical society's Virginia Miller Award. via Huntington Herald-Press Tax sale properties on block again- November 21, 2007 "We have the ability to go down to zero or $1" Eighteen properties that have gone through tax sales - in some cases, multiple times - may be available at cut-rate prices early next year as the Huntington County Commissioners get out of the real estate ... via Huntington Herald-Press A Diet of Hope: Huntington North graduate forms company to make bread ...- November 11, 2007 "Children are starving all over the world" Special to The Herald-Press Growing up in Andrews, Dusty Breeding spent his days skipping rocks with his dad and playing Ninja Turtles with his brother. via Huntington Herald-Press |