Andrews NewsLocal news for Andrews, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Field for County Council seat is steadily growing- February 15, 2008 Herald-Press Staff Report The race for the Republican nomination for County Council at-large is getting crowded. via Huntington Herald-Press BOUQUETS & BRICKBATS: Heather Hiple of Andrews serves up BOUQUETS for ...- February 13, 2008 "On Monday, Jan. 14, Life Church Huntington held a Pizza Hut buffet fundraiser for our Transition Ministry - 3rd through 5th graders" BOUQUETS & BRICKBATS: Heather Hiple of Andrews serves up BOUQUETS for the help her church received at a fund-raiser last month. via Huntington Herald-Press The rains came down . . . and the floods came up- February 8, 2008 "I think we should be over the hump" Roanoke residents were battling high water Wednesday and other areas of Huntington County were threatened as a hard rain fell for most of the day. via Huntington Herald-Press Police blotter- February 6, 2008 Sunday 9:24 p.m. - Property-damage accident, U.S. 24 near 600W, Lake Cicott. A vehicle driven by Garcia Marcelino, 50, Monon, slid on snow and ice and struck an LMU cable carrier. via Pharos-Tribune |