Andrews AFB NewsLocal news for Andrews AFB, MD continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.View Article- April 30, 2008 "But you know if you mess up too many times you're not here very long." By Samara Martin Ewing WUSA-TV ANDREWS AFB, MD -- Air Force One may be the world's most well known plane. via First Coast News Short Updates- April 19, 2008 Dropped Claire off & sunny commute in. Stopped en route for bagel at Carriage House Coffee. via BilikFamily.com Benedict so far- April 17, 2008 Yes, I said the site would be "wall-to-wall" Benedict for the duration of his visit. via The Anchoress Benedict is so SHY! UPDATED- April 16, 2008 Watching Benedict exit the plane in DC and greet President & Mrs. Bush and Jenna Bush, I was struck by the difference in his body language vs John Paul II. via The Anchoress Vicar of Christ Arrives in the United States: Six Day Pilgrimage Begins- April 15, 2008 Pope Benedict XVI, the Vicar of Christ, the 265th Successor of Peter, Shepperd of the Church founded by Jesus Christ, has arrived in the United States of American, landing at Andrews Air Force Base in Bethesda, ... via Free Republic |