Archer City NewsLocal news for Archer City, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Briefs, June 29- June 29, 2008 ' A reception honoring local and area military veterans will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, at the Red River Valley Museum, according to Sheri Morriss, executive director of the local Chamber of Commerce. Pub-bound Bayou Boy now a Boogie King- June 18, 2008 After moving back to Louisiana after 21 years, no one kidded Gregg Martinez about a Texas accent. Carter: Would you believe... Wichita Falls has an unusually diverse music scene- June 16, 2008 Richard Carter For the Times Record News The Age of Rockets played Thursday night at the Lakeside Ballroom . Lake Country Links visits Olney CC- June 14, 2008 Those who have played Archer City Country Club will notice many similarities to the Olney Country Club. Going to Wii-hab- June 12, 2008 Jason PalmerTimes Record News Barbara Maxwell and Jackson Peterson, 5, work out on the new Nintendo Wii Fit at the North Texas Rehab Center. Peacemaker, Gross exchange wedding vows April 19- June 9, 2008 MR. and MRS. DARIAN PEACEMAKER Jennifer Nicole Gross and Darian Wade Peacemaker were united in marriage on April 19 at Colonial Baptist Church in Wichita Falls. Lake Country Links visits Archer County- June 7, 2008 Archer City Country Club is not a hard golf course, but it's a fun course for the average golfer to play. June 3rd- June 5, 2008 Larry McMurtry is 72 today. Three years ago, The Writer's Almanac had a good essay about McMurtry, in NewMexiKen's opinion the best to write both fiction and nonfiction about the American west since his mentor ... Reaping what he sows- June 3, 2008 ' Brock Schenk, 13, was always into fixing things. At age 8, he bought a 1969 Chevy pickup that had been sitting in a lot and got it working again. |