Bailey NewsLocal news for Bailey, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bonham ISD Board of Trustees regular meeting summary- February 27, 2008 A Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Bonham ISD was held February 21, 2008, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Bonham ISD Administration Center, 201 East 10th Street, Bonham, Texas 75418. via North Texas e-News UT System appoints director of business relations- February 18, 2008 UT system picks former aide as business liaison Carl Mica , a former senior aide for Sen. via Austin American-Statesman Texas docs are pushing Congress to fix Medicare pay- February 11, 2008 "Unfortunately, because the United States Congress failed to uphold its promise to senior citizens to provide a viable health care system, I'll end my term just as I began it. ..." San Antonio Business Journal - by W. Scott Bailey Texas Medical Association President and San Antonio physician Dr. via Bizjournals All-District Children's Choir results- February 7, 2008 On Thursday, auditions were held at Madison Middle School and Mann Middle School for the Abilene ISD All-District Children's Choir. via Abilene Reporter-News |