Bailey NewsLocal news for Bailey, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.MSU presidential search:Faithful say distrust a problem among alumni- April 28, 2008 "If you can work out a way to make them feel a real part of this process, as open as transparent as possible ... it will mean a lot to the success of this person" By Patsy R. Brumfield Daily Journal STARKVILLE - Many Mississippi State University alumni don't have a lot of confidence in the process to find a new president, leaders of the state Institutions of Higher ... via Djournal.com Allie White: 100 years in Mississippi- April 6, 2008 "I cried all the way home when we took him to the train" Tomorrow, a longtime Meridianite will mark a milestone birthday - Allie White, a devoted member of Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church, will be 100 years old. via Meridian Star |