Bailey Island NewsLocal news for Bailey Island, ME continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Latest underwater cable cut less mysterious- March 14, 2008 "Based upon the information we have so far, I would say that it was intentional, but the intent would be the question - whether to interrupt phone service or to steal the copper wire" See "Switch Splash" Slideshow! Audio Network World 360 Verizon to rollout 100G; IT still wary of virtualization. via Community Latest underwater cable cut far less mysterious- March 7, 2008 "Hey, at the prices we get for this ... every little bit is worth taking." Submitted by Paul McNamara on Thu, 03062008 - 3:38pm. There's been another underwater cable cut , only this one was in Maine -- not the Middle East -- and it looks less like terrorism than what's becoming an ... via NetworkWorld |