Spring Mills NewsLocal news for Spring Mills, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Chased-down robber sentenced- April 8, 2008 "I don't think he had any real intention of shooting me." BELLEFONTE -- Never mess with a man called 'Pickle.'In December, 21-year-old Peter Allen Jackson, of Sand Mountain Road in Spring Mills, held up Vernon 'Pickle' Jodon at Jodon's Country Place only to have the 60-year-old store owner chase him down, first by vehicle and then on foot.On Monday, the man who was hauled back to stunned state police in the back of Jodon's pickup truck in December was sentenced by Centre County Judge Bradley...http://www.topix.net/city/spring-mills-pa/2008/04/chased-down-robber-sentenced?fromrss=1 Spring plays bloom- April 3, 2008 Drama fans from across the county can climb aboard with the State College Thespians' performance of "Anything Goes" starting tonight and see Philipsburg-Osceola students perform the stage version of the popular ... via Centre Daily Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/spring-mills-pa/2008/04/spring-plays-bloom?fromrss=1 Farmers planting less corn, and that could mean higher grocery bills for consumers- April 1, 2008 "People who are working families, just barely making it and already paying higher prices for gas and home heating oil, are going to be shot in the pocket by higher food prices" Dale Rossman climbs into his combine while harvesting corn on his farm in Spring Mills, Pa. via SavannahNowhttp://www.topix.net/city/spring-mills-pa/2008/03/farmers-planting-less-corn-and-that-coul... |