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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for June 2008


Astronomy -

Satellite or Planet - June 19, 2008

Hi, i'm from Singapore. Last night, i was looking at the sky with my friends. We saw a bright star-like object in the sky that does not blink. I was taught by my lecturer in school that the bright object is either Venus or Jupiter. However my friend said that her lecturer taught her that the bright objects in the sky that do not blink are satellites. So my question is is the bright star-like object satellite or a planet They are not stars cos they do not blink, right

Good introduction to astronomyastrophysics - June 18, 2008

Hey everyone, I just finished my first year at UC Santa Cruz as an astrophysics major. I haven't yet taken any astronomy classes yet and I really don't feel like I know a whole lot about astrophysics at all; I know classical physics at this point and that's about it. What are some good books on general astrophysics or even astronomy The only book that I have is The Stars by H.A. Rey, which I got when I was about seven.

reminiscing - June 17, 2008

Today's APOD cracks me up (http:apod.nasa.govapod). Good times...Now the backstory:Astrophysics 1 with Dr. Perlman here at FIT blew. We all hated it, and most hated the man, and needless to say we were always bored and causing disruptions in the class. One fateful day, he was blathering on about supernovae and for some reason he put this picture up on the giant screen behind him for a good 20 minutes (I say for some reason since the Homonculus Nebula is of unknown origin and is not a verified...

(Untitled) - June 17, 2008

The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition is pleased to announce the release of its 2008 GENIUS Survey in partnership with Ernst & Young. GenderPAC works to ensure that classrooms, communities and workplaces are safe for everyone to learn, grow and succeed. The Gender Equality National Index for Universities & Schools (GENIUS), GenderPACs most recent effort to end discrimination and promote awareness, encourages colleges and universities to recognize the benefits of a GenderSAFEtm..

(Untitled) - June 14, 2008

Remember the astronomers kidnapped in Chile and taken into BoliviaWell, it can be dangerous in California, too.

(Untitled) - June 14, 2008

OK, folks...especially you professional folks...need your help on this...Apparently there's this story going around that our solar system is not native to the Milky Way Galaxy and actually got pulled from the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy...Now, I've already found Bad Astronomy's blog entry on this...but apparently it's not enough for some.Can anyone give me a link to a credible, professional, peer reviewed article debunking this mythThanx in advance!

NASA EDGE Question - June 13, 2008

First off, those guys are hilarious!So...I happened to miss the ep. of Mike & Mike in the Morning where they appeared and was wondering if it was floating around on the 'net somewhereThanks.

Excited About A Meteor Sighting - June 13, 2008

I was sat out on my porch this evening, not expecting anything unusual to happen. Please bear in mind that I'm the girl who parks herself outside for hours waiting to see scheduled meteor showers but never has any luck because of England's usually thick cloud cover.Anyway, there I'm sat when a bright white meteorite with a blue trail whizzes across the sky in front of me! Trajectory seemed to be north-east and it was moving too fast for me to even get my partner out to see it, let alone grab my.

Plutoid - June 12, 2008

I'm an astronomy addict (it's so bad that I can draw all of the rarely used Astronomical Symbols, even for the main-belt asteroids), and I know I'm new to this community, but.... I'm really surprised there aren't any posts on the new classification of "plutoid".Well, it seems they finally settled on a name for "dwarf planets": Plutoids. Well, technically, this is the new name for some KBOs (Kuiper Belt Objects) , TNOs (Trans-Neptunian Objects) , OCOs, SDOs, cubewanos, etc. GOD DANGIT, GIVE...

(Untitled) - June 11, 2008

GLAST is up now, yay.Bad Astronomer has been twittering the launch. Nerd.
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