AstronomyAstronomy - LiveJournal.comOn Memorial Day- May 24, 2008 It is to note that there are many ways to serve. With the deepest respect and appreciation on this Memorial Day weekend... bring astronomy to middle-school students - St. Louis workshop- May 19, 2008 I don't know how many people on here are from the center of the country, and I admit that I've gotten out of the habit of reading here, and I was never in the habit of posting, but in case anybody is interested in this, or knows people who are interested....Would you like to take middle school children beyond the solar system Come to St. Louis on June 1 and find out how with Afterschool Universe! This fun, hands-on afterschool astronomy program explores basic astronomy concepts through... Galaxy Zoo Newsletter 3- May 15, 2008 Posted for your interest (I am heavily involved in a non trivial way...)Dear All, It's been a busy couple of months for all of us on the Galaxy Zooteam, so we thought we should write and keep you, our collaborators,up to date. Work is continuing on Zoo 2, which will ask for moredetailed classifications of the brightest galaxies in Sloan. Thismeans more scientific data for us, and fewer fuzzy blobs for you. In the meantime, could we ask for your help once again The originalGalaxy Zoo... Well, that was anti-climatic.- May 14, 2008 So, this morning there was that NASA press conference - the one everyone was speculating on. My three theories were the first images of the supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy (top theory), or maybe the x-ray signature of dark matter, or maybe shedding new light on what the hell the Great Attractor is. (Privately, I was hoping for a Kardashev type two civilisation >.> )It wasn't NEARLY as cool. Still really cool, but nowhere NEAR as big as it was made out to be.It was this. As if sitting atop thousands of pounds of rocket fuel wasn't daunting enough...- May 14, 2008 An article slated for the June 2008 issue of Popular Mechanics says that, due to fears that a malfunctioning space shuttle might impact populated areas on lift-off:"Each time the space shuttle rises from its launchpad at Cape Canaveral, Fla., an Air Force officer waits anxiously for the first 2 minutes to pass safely. If the spaceship were to veer off course and endanger a populated area, this range safety officer would bear the terrible responsibility of flipping a pair of switches under a... (Untitled)- May 13, 2008 WorldWide Telescope Sitting in that sunbeam on that little blue dot.- May 12, 2008 In the Pale Blue Dot image taken by Voyager 1, we see the Earth in what is described as "a beam of scattered sunlight". Can someone explain to me what is happening here, and why the beam of light appears in the photograph Shouldn't the light be radiating in all directions equally from the Sun Is this just some artifact due to the location of Voyager when this picture was taken I have searched online, but have not been able to find an explanation for this. Help me find the answer to this,... Installing IRAF- May 9, 2008 I've been trying to get IRAF running on my laptop all day, and it's exactly as much of a headache as my officemates warned me it would be. That said, I've nearly got everything working, but I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice...IRAF is installed and working more or less as it should be. The only thing I can't get working properly is XGterm (and splot doesn't work properly in any other terminal). I'm running a Mac Powerbook G4 running OS X 10.4 (Tiger). Has anyone else tried... God Help Us All- May 9, 2008 The first lawyer to earn a degree specifically in space law graduates Saturday. article NASA to Announce Success of Long Galactic Hunt- May 8, 2008 WASHINGTON -- NASA has scheduled a media teleconference Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EDT, to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years. This finding was made by combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory with ground-based observationsLink |