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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for October 2007

St. Stephens News

Local news for St. Stephens, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Eastern Cabarrus: Scaring up some Halloween fun is easy in east Cabarrus - October 25, 2007

Remember how much fun we used to have on HalloweenWhen I was little, Halloween was a much simpler holiday. We'd make or, sometimes, go buy a costume; where I grew up, we had to be sure that our costumes were big enough to fit over snowsuits, because there was always a chance that it would be really cold on Halloween.My father would take my brothers and me to all the neighbors' houses. It usually didn't take long to fill up our grocery bags with treats, so we'd be home early enough to eat the...

St. Stephens Women Hold Bazaar: Real church ladies serve as rock for all times, all ages - October 12, 2007

Lately I've been thinking about a demographic group that may not be getting the recognition it deserves.I've been thinking about church ladies.No, I don't mean the holier-than-thou but hilarious parody we know and love from late-night television. I'm thinking about real church ladies and all the things they do.Church ladies come in all shapes, sizes and colors and from every age group. They are there for all the important events of life.For births and deaths, they bring meals. For new homes...
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