St. Stephens NewsLocal news for St. Stephens, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Taste of Lexington is seeking volunteers- February 26, 2008 "I really want to stress that. We need people to help set up events, work them, clean up, everything. ... It takes a lot of helping to make this a success." With Taste of Lexington 's entertainment line-up expanding this year from a few days to an entire month of weekend activities, more volunteers are required, said festival organizer Charlie Alexander. via The Dispatch I Just Tried to Be There Whenever I Could': Teen is a quiet inspiration- February 24, 2008 "I guess I've always been that kind of person" Like the typical teenager, Vonna Wood enjoys her friends, pets and music. Unlike your typical teenager, she helps take care of her mother.In addition to school and sports, the 13-year-old has nursed her single mother through serious illnesses and still finds time for charitable work on the side. Though she avoids attention for any of this, she recently won countywide recognition for her quiet work.Vonna has strawberry blond hair, a shy smile and a. K-12 News Leigh Pressley: Mystery dinner theater at Bandys- February 14, 2008 The Bandys High School Drama Department will present its first murder mystery dinner theater with the play, 'Touchtone M' for Murder,' on March 7 in the school drama room.Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., followed by the show at 7 p.m.Tickets are $10 and include the meal and the show. To purchase tickets, contact Cindy Lohr at 828-241-3171 extension 5216 or e-mail her at Seating is general admission.The show focuses on Sam Slade, a famous but inept detective... |