Stonewall NewsLocal news for Stonewall, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Deadline for registration approaches- June 22, 2008 Friday, July 4, is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the primary election to be held July 29, the Pontotoc County Election Board announced. Kudos June 20, 2008- June 21, 2008 Congratulations to Dr. Larry Birney on being selected to fill the post of Council on Law Enforcement Education and Trainingdirector. Motorists Seek Cheap Travel With The Chickasaw Transportation System- June 19, 2008 Motorists around Pontotoc County can now save on gas with a new public transportation system. Chickasaw Nation offers 'Road to Work' for rural communities- June 18, 2008 A new program offered by the Chickasaw Nation provides a low cost alternative to rural commuters dealing with rising gas prices. Ada class of 1958 plans reunion- June 16, 2008 Ada High School Class of 1958 are looking for the following classmates for the 50th class reunion: Presley Cole, Mary Galbert, Mary Green, Sue Malloy, Dan Quinton, Eddie Tedder, Sonja Fae Webster, Gall Whittle, ... Sheriff candidate removed from ballot- June 13, 2008 The Coal County election board has removed a Republican candidate for sheriff from the ballot. Accident Prevention Course scheduled- June 12, 2008 Oklahoma Farm Bureau Safety Services presents an Auto Accident Prevention Course June 16-17 from 6-9 p.m. at Pontotoc County Farm Bureau office, 1027 W. Main, with instruction on how to improve one's driving ... Ada store to remain open- June 11, 2008 Goody's Family Clothing, Inc. has filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and announced that it will undergo comprehensive internal restructuring. Area Notices- June 10, 2008 County Sheriff's Office fingerprints ADA - Pontotoc County Sheriff's Office does ink fingerprinting on Wednesdays by appointment only. Area Briefs, June 6, 2008- June 7, 2008 FRIDAY JUNE 6, 2008 Pontotoc County Democrats to meet ADA - The Pontotoc County Democrats will meet at 7:00pm in the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce. |