Stonewall NewsLocal news for Stonewall, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Peach Season Start Sweet- May 29, 2008 Standard-Radio Post Photo by Matt Ward Barring any future problems from high winds and hail, Gillespie County's 2008 peach harvest should be a good one -- and could be even better with a little help from rain ... LBJ and Connally - the teacher and the pupil- May 19, 2008 The photograph of LBJ and John Connally was taken on October 9, 1957 at the dedication ceremony for the Sam Rayburn Library. via North Texas e-News Event Menu- May 15, 2008 The evening begins in the store's A22 Wine Bar and progresses to a private, romantic tent on the patio. via The Austin Chronicle Park Pick: The Truth About Lye- May 11, 2008 "People in the early 1900s used that soap for everything" Ah, the choices of modern life. Go to any store, and a staggering variety of scented bath soaps, heavy-duty cleansers and concentrated detergents stock the shelves. via Texas Parks & Wildlife Area restaurants are offering elaborate buffets, special menus for Mother's Day- May 9, 2008 This article was published in the Express-News April 30, 2008 As Mother's Day approaches, restaurants are coming up with menus blooming with possibilities. via MySanAntonio.com Totally Texas: Time for 10th Lavender Festival at Becker- May 7, 2008 "I just couldn't resist. When the nail salon moved out I thought it would be perfect for a Ciao extension. But I didn't want it to just be an extra room" From our grapevine come these events at Becker Vineyards, plus word of a new San Antonio wine bar opening. via MySanAntonio.com Lavender season- May 5, 2008 "We've got some very enterprising people" What: Around the town that's officially dubbed itself the Lavender Capital of Texas, farmers go all out for tours on this special weekend, but some welcome visitors at other times. via Houston Chronicle Farmers working doubly hard- May 3, 2008 "It is clear that off-farm income is extremely important to farmers nowadays, regardless the size" With grain prices approaching records and livestock markets lower but still respectable, farmers and ranchers are putting in late hours to get the most they can out of land that can disappoint financially. via MySanAntonio.com Smokin' legs become a festival tradition- May 1, 2008 "Leslie's always something to look at, isn't he" What is it about outdoor festivals that makes people crave turkey legs It's not like you see them on the menu at, say, Wink. via The Austin American-Statesman |