Taylor NewsLocal news for Taylor, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME, RIGHT ACTION- May 30, 2008 Age: 43 Departmentrank: Lackawanna Ambulanceparamedic Employee No.: 223 Experience: 16 years Name: Tom Brogan Age: 25 Departmentrank: Lackawanna Ambulanceemergency medical technician Employee No.: 187 ...http://www.topix.net/city/taylor-pa/2008/05/right-place-right-time-right-action?fromrss=1 Police bicycles sit unused in Scranton.- May 28, 2008 SCRANTON, LACKAWANNA COUNTY Many police departments across the country have turned to bicycle patrols in an afford to save energy costs.http://www.topix.net/city/taylor-pa/2008/05/police-bicycles-sit-unused-in-scranton?fromrss... County to seek prisoner store bids- May 3, 2008 "I just think full disclosure to the public is what's needed for us to regain public trust" Prison Board officials differ on what kind of bids to ask for. The Luzerne County Prison Board voted Monday to bid out commissary purchases, ending a no-bid deal that led to more than $300,000 in sales to a ... via Times Leaderhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-pa/2008/05/county-to-seek-prisoner-store-bids?fromrss=1 Arrests in Luzerne County Burglary Spree- May 1, 2008 "We ended up obtaining information that the credit cards were used in Lackawanna County for the purchase of gas which led us to the other individuals" Police in Luzerne County made arrests in connection with a string of burglaries. via WNEPhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-pa/2008/04/arrests-in-luzerne-county-burglary-spree?fromr... |