Taylor NewsLocal news for Taylor, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Editorial Review: Transit system needs a clear cut goal- April 10, 2008 Run buses at night and fill them with drunk drivers. Issue date: 4808 Section: Opinion Lafayette County's recent vote to withdraw support for the Lafayette Oxford University Transit System highlights the ... via The Daily Mississippianhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-ms/2008/04/editorial-review-transit-system-needs-a-clear-... PATH Act a - godsend' for struggling hospices- April 8, 2008 On March 6, 2008, legislation was introduced in both the House and Senate calling for a moratorium on the Medicare Aggregate Hospice Cap. via Laurel Leader-Callhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-ms/2008/04/path-act-a-godsend-for-struggling-hospices?fro... Daily Mississippian- April 7, 2008 "I love (living in a residential college)" When Stephen Wallace signed up for his fourth year to live in Martel Residential College at Rice University, he said he wouldn't have it any other way. via The Daily Mississippianhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-ms/2008/04/daily-mississippian-2?fromrss=1 Daily Mississippian- April 4, 2008 The Oxford community came together Thursday night in the Oxford High School Auditorium to discuss and present solutions for the reported gang activity in Oxford schools. via The Daily Mississippianhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-ms/2008/04/daily-mississippian?fromrss=1 Fields set for Miss. congressional races in November- April 2, 2008 "We're not taking anything for granted" A national Republican campaign group is vowing that the GOP will hold onto Mississippi's two congressional seats that are open this year. via Picayune Itemhttp://www.topix.net/city/taylor-ms/2008/04/fields-set-for-miss-congressional-races-in-nov... |