Titus NewsLocal news for Titus, AL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Commissioners upset over letter- November 28, 2007 "Commissioner Shaw and I met with the leaders of Con cerned Landowners last week, and I believe we are making pro gress toward ending the fight. This letter doesn't take that into account" The Elmore County Com mission covered a lot of ground at Monday evening's work ses sion and business meeting, in cluding discussion about one of the county's biggest hot-button issues among landowners. via Montgomery Advertiserhttp://www.topix.net/city/titus-al/2007/11/commissioners-upset-over-letter?fromrss=1 Complaints Plague Haynes Ambulance Wetumpka; County May Cancel Contract- November 7, 2007 "It seems to us the situation has escalated to the point where we gotten more complaints" Troubled times tonight for one of Alabama's oldest names in ambulance service. The Elmore County EMS board is on the verge of suspending or even cancelling its contract with Haynes Ambulance of Wetumpka, citing ... via WSFA-TV Montgomeryhttp://www.topix.net/city/titus-al/2007/11/complaints-plague-haynes-ambulance-wetumpka-cou... |