Walker NewsLocal news for Walker, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.It's always open season on coyotes- February 23, 2008 "The thing that's just so amazing is Friday we shot five coyotes from here to Urbana" When the coyote came bounding down the south side of a patch of switchgrass on Mark Boddicker's land west of Walker, it was clear there would be no escape. via The Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/walker-ia/2008/02/its-always-open-season-on-coyotes?fromrss=1 Buyers of pre-owned homes can sue builders, Iowa Supreme Court says- February 2, 2008 "This obviously is a change that benefits consumers and puts a further burden on builders" By GRANT SCHULTE and MELISSA WALKER REGISTER STAFF WRITERS February 2, 2008 Mike Speight realized something was wrong with his $250,000 Clive home when he was able to puncture the waterlogged siding with ... via Des Moines Registerhttp://www.topix.net/city/walker-ia/2008/02/buyers-of-pre-owned-homes-can-sue-builders-iow... |