Spring City NewsLocal news for Spring City, TN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Shoot Out at the Rector Creek Boat Dock- April 28, 2008 Well, we hate say it once again, but we are about to spoil a headline story that we bet for sure will be a front pager in the Wednesday edition of the advertising circular, the Herald-News. Naturally, this will ...http://www.topix.net/city/spring-city-tn/2008/04/shoot-out-at-the-rector-creek-boat-dock?f... Small Town Mayor, Moses and a Partridge in a Pear Tree- April 24, 2008 Like that old saying goes, "what part of no don't you understand"...well, the same logic can be applied to the Dayton City councils apparent stonewalling the replacement of Jim Barnes' vacated council seat.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-city-tn/2008/04/small-town-mayor-moses-and-a-partridge-in... Another Dead Body Found in Rhea County- April 22, 2008 Since there really isn't anything to report about we figured we would just go ahead and throw this story out there.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-city-tn/2008/04/another-dead-body-found-in-rhea-county?fr... |