Surgoinsville NewsLocal news for Surgoinsville, TN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Budget requests top agenda items - Candidates qualify for city election- April 18, 2008 It's budget planning time for local governments and Church Hill Board of Mayor and Aldermen on Tuesday heard its share of groups that need assistance. via Rogersville Review Man in MPD standoff faces more charges- April 6, 2008 The chances that alleged methamphetamine chef Jason Seal will be released before he appears in federal court to answer weapons charges got a lot worse on Friday. via Citizen Tribune Surgoinsville bait shop burglar steals beer, leaves worms- April 2, 2008 The burglar who broke into Surgoinsville Bait and Tackle last week took cash, beer and cigarettes valued at more than $2,000, but left the worms. via Times-News Online |