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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for May 2008

Toone News

Local news for Toone, TN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Create Thumbnail Previews for Old Drawings - May 6, 2008

"Y") ) ) ;_ end of zoomsave Here, the DTYPE variable is used to test for the file type DWG or DXF, and the files are saved accordingly. As always, I look forward to receiving your comments and requests for "AutoLISP Solutions." Jim McSwain of Toone, Tennessee, asked for a program to convert some old drawing and DXF files to a format that has an 80% zoom and a thumbnail preview. via Cadalyst - Management

Discrimination lawsuit filed against Kilgore - May 2, 2008

A lawsuit has been filed against Kilgore Co. accusing the company of discrimination in its hiring practices. via
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