Trinidad NewsLocal news for Trinidad, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Athens firefighter loses own home to blaze- February 29, 2008 "He's just an all-around good person" An Athens firefighter escaped injury when a fire roared through his Malakoff home Wednesday morning. via Athens Daily Review Four sentenced for illegal gambling after Tool raid- February 27, 2008 "We'd been watching this place for over a year, and we finally had a couple of complainants make statements and get involved, and illegal gambling was taking place" Four individuals charged with illegal gambling activity here last October have all either served time in jail or reached settlements in their cases. via Cedar Creek Pilot A buddy to the birds- February 20, 2008 "His accomplishments are just outstanding." Jesse Huth of Wimberley has won the Golden Eagle Award, given annually to the person in Hays County who does the most for birds and birding. via San Marcos Daily Record Hwy. 31 traffic shift under way- February 1, 2008 "We should be done by this fall" If you travel State Highway 31 between Trinidad and Malakoff, you won't have to worry about changing lanes for a while. via Athens Daily Review |