All things JythonicA blog tracking jython developmentsPython Resource List- July 28, 2004 In my continuing search for Python UML tools I stumbled across this long list of python resources. PyNSource - UML Modelling Tools for Python- July 27, 2004 I have been looking for a good class diagram generator for my jython python work and stumbled on PyNSource. Here is a quick list of features: A python code scanner and UML modelling tool that generates UML diagram models that you can layout, arrange and print out. UML text diagrams, which you can paste into your source code for documentation purposes. Java or Delphi code (which can be subsequently imported into more sophisticated UML modelling tools, like Enterprise Architect or ESS-Model.. SQLObject + MySQL CachedValues Rant- July 14, 2004 We interrupt your regularly scheduled Jython coverage to bring you this therapeutic rant: RANT ON OK, so if you are using SQLObject_ with MySQL 4.X and you notice that queries executed after table updates do not reflect the changes .... TURN OFF _CACHE_VALUES for your database classes (you do this by defining the following class attribute: _cache_values = False Since MySQL does autocommit by default your database changes are invisible to queries if you don't do this ... That only cost me... Scripting LDAP with Jython -- Store Java Objects in LDAP- July 13, 2004 This is the complement to the earlier example that read a java Hastable out of an ldap directory entry. Here is how you get the data in there to begin with. Jython LDAP - Store Java Hashtable into LDAP Example from javax.naming import from java.util import from import Credentials to access LDAP user = "cn=master" passwd = "password" Setup LDAP Context Options settings = Hashtable() settings.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, ... Scripting LDAP with Jython -- Load Java Objects from LDAP- July 13, 2004 A common way to store user preference data for applications is to store them in LDAP as a serialized Java Hastable object. The application then reads that back from ldap on startup using the authenticated userid as the key. Its a convenient way to store application settings. But what if you need to adjust or migrate settings from one place to the other Here is an approach to reading that data out using Jython. Look for a future post about how to save it back using the context's bind... Scripting LDAP with Jython -- Queries- July 13, 2004 I've been playing with LDAP directories from Jython and thought I should share a couple of useful examples of what you can do. The first of these is a quick barebones query example. Enjoy. Jython LDAP Example from javax.naming import from java.util import from import Credentials to access LDAP user = "cn=master" passwd = "password" Query starting point and query target search_start = "ou=People,dc=Company,dc=com" search_target = "uid=aUserID" Setup LDAP... alt.lang.jre: Get to know Jython- July 10, 2004 Here is a great new Jython article by Barry Feigenbaum over on IBM's developerWorks. Check it out. alt.lang.jre: Get to know Jython Get to know Jython, in this first article in our new series introducing alternate languages for the Java Runtime Environment, "alt.lang.jre". Jython is an implementation of the popular scripting language Python, but running on a JVM. For Python developers Jython is the best possible entry point to the Java platform; for Java developers it may be the... edittwiki - external editor tool for TWiki- July 1, 2004 Announcing edittwiki 0.1, an external editor launcher for the popular TWiki wiki. This is similar in spirit to the editMoin tool for MoinMoin wikis. I wrote this in Jython and compiled into a java jar so it should run on a wide set of operating systems. It features a configurable editor setting so you can edit TWiki topics using your favourite editor (including html editors) and works with TWiki installations that are password secured. This is the initial release, so please be gentle! and... |