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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for January 2006

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Weird, Spooky or Both - January 25, 2006

Just found this thing called Toogle. So I put Charlie's name into it and came up with this. Or try Alice and get this. I am beginning to think some people (myself included) have too much time on their hands......

A Whale in the Thames! - January 20, 2006

Yes, that's a whale ... in the Thames ... in Central London today. The 17ft northern bottle-nose whale caused much excitment in the capital. I only saw it via the continuous live TV coverage all afternoon. It hadn't made it...

Reigate on Google Earth - January 12, 2006

Hurray! At last, there is a Mac version of Google Earth - the coolest application ever! Better still, they've got new satellite photos of south east England, including Reigate. I know they are recent because you can see Charlie's paddling...
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