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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for July 2008

Artima Perl Buzz

A community of bloggers who post primarily about Perl.

Nashville Perl Mongers - (Found July 8, 2008 )

There is not a Nashville (or even Tennessee) chapter of the Perl Mongers. My personal involvement in Perl is growing and I know there are other perl hackers in the area. Sounds like a good excuse to get together, talk about Perl and drink beer! To gauge interest I&8217;ve created a google group and ...

Weekend of Labour - (Found July 8, 2008 )

Friday night I released new version of my 2 Perl modules. I followed that up with more hacking over the last few days. Eventually I&8217;ll release a new version of Clicker with some new features, but I got perturbed at it today and played the Xbox. Speaking of XBox, Connect360 kicks ass. Reminds me of a conversation with someone last week...

The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A large collection of Perl software and documentation. CPAN is also the name of a Perl module,, which is used to download and install Perl software from the CPAN archive.

The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A large collection of Perl software and documentation. CPAN is also the name of a Perl module,, which is used to download and install Perl software from the CPAN archive.

The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A large collection of Perl software and documentation. CPAN is also the name of a Perl module,, which is used to download and install Perl software from the CPAN archive.

The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A large collection of Perl software and documentation. CPAN is also the name of a Perl module,, which is used to download and install Perl software from the CPAN archive.

The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A large collection of Perl software and documentation. CPAN is also the name of a Perl module,, which is used to download and install Perl software from the CPAN archive.

Obligatory Christmas-Slash-Year-End Superpost - (Found July 8, 2008 )

Two months since my last post. It&8217;s not really that I haven&8217;t had anything to say, I assure you. I just don&8217;t remember it long enough to write it out or I haven&8217;t felt compelled to write about it in public. I guess. Who knows Imagine that I&8217;m summarizing fanciful adventures and bracing, hard-fought lessons in this...

Let's Try Something - (Found July 8, 2008 )

My day to day responsibilities have changed pretty drastically in the last two years. I&8217;ve gone from being the sole developer on a small, focused project to a manager over a department that is creating some some fairly large projects. On second thought, it&8217;s not so different. The challenges of the projects are the same. The wrinkle...

Things I Learned This Week - (Found July 8, 2008 )

It&8217;s back. A little short this week, but I have to get back into the habit. Baby blue whales can gain up to up to 200lbs a day by drinking about 100 gallons of milk. Whale milk is 40-50% fat whereas cow&8217;s milk is appromixately 4% fat. India is the world&8217;s largest butter consumer. It&8217;s people eat roughly 46% of the annual...
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- July (15 items)
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