News &'s News & Ideas Forum, with new topics daily, is a place to discuss news, ideas, articles, or any other cool thing of interest to the Artima community.The Human Side of XML- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Elliotte Rusty Harold says, "You can certainly develop an obfuscated syntax in XML, a syntax that is hard to read -- just as you can in other languages. ... But I think in general with sufficient effort and care and thought, you can design XML formats that are plausible to read and plausible to understand." Type Checking and Techie Control- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Bruce Eckel says, "Once I get the program running, I feed it real data. Then I'm going to find some interesting errors. So the sooner I can do that, the sooner I can find those errors." Lessons Learned from JDOM- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Elliotte Rusty Harold says, "I learned a hell of a lot from JDOM. Number one, I learned it is possible to fight the W3C and win. Just today I heard from one of the attendees at this conference that they couldn't really use XML until JDOM came along, because XML and the corresponding APIs were too complex." Mac OS X growing on developers- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Mac OS X seems to be winning the minds of many experienced developers. I see more and more experienced consultants carrying their Titanium laptop to gigs. Has Apple found another niche Python and the Tipping Point- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Bruce Eckel says, "The main sources of productivity when programming in Python are that I am able to look at more lines of code on the screen, put more meaning into fewer lines of code, read and understand code more easily, and deal with higher level concepts." Are Two Monitors Better Than One- (Found July 8, 2008 ) How useful is a second monitor Does anyone here use one regularly What's your experience - Brilliant, nice or a waste of deskspace How practical are they in practice Earning a Master's Degree while still getting paid well- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Wondering if anyone knows of any companies with exceptional tuition reimbursement programs. Or, any other exceptional grantsprograms to help a working professional complete an MS in Computer Science. If you do, please list them with an explanation of the program. Design Principles and XOM- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Elliotte Rusty Harold says, "One very important thing is the principle of least surprise. It should always be very obvious what a method does. And in reverse, you should be able to immediately guess what the method is." The C Design Process- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Anders Hejlsberg says, "Working with a programming language is a much more immersive process. People don't really come to appreciate a programming language until they've worked with it for months. And then they may gradually realize, 'Wow, this is really comfortable.' You just can't do that very quickly." Books & book reviews- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Does anyone have any suggestions about computer language books |