Artima Developer BuzzA community of developers who blog.Dealing with &38;8220;404&38;8243; errors in PHP frameworks- (Found July 8, 2008 ) I didn&8217;t want to steal the title &8220;Is your MVC MIA when it comes to 404s&8220;, cause it&8217;s just too good to plagiarize. My brother&8217;s written a post that he&8217;s looking for some feedback on. Excerpt: Usually, a request into a PHP framework is something like this example.comsomething &8230; which gets re-written... Ruby Book Sales Surpass Perl &38;38; Python- (Found July 8, 2008 ) It was just last December that Tim OReilly said that Ruby book sales had surpassed Python book sales. Now Ruby book sales have also surpassed Perl book sales. Tim OReilly posted the graph below which shows the books sales since 2003 for the most commonly used dynamic programming languages. Click here to see a fullsized version of ... Ruby is now a &38;8220;mainstream&38;8221; programming language- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Read about it here. Rapid Test Feedback- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Test::Unit doesn&8217;t output the specifics of test failure and errors until the entire suite as completed running. With a large enough (read: slow) suite, a lot of time can be wasted just waiting for tests to finish in order to figure out what&8217;s actually broken. Well, this is Ruby, so let&8217;s just patch Test::Unit to do what ... Neal Stephenson Returns- (Found July 8, 2008 ) It&8217;s out September 9 according to Amazon. I don&8217;t have any other details yet, but I&8217;m digging. Looks like it&8217;s set sometime in the future. According to, Since childhood, Raz has lived behind the walls of a 3,400-year-old monastery, a sanctuary for scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians. There, he and... |