Artima Developer BuzzA community of developers who blog.Creating a Smaller Runtime Image- (Found July 8, 2008 ) On today's Smalltalk Daily, we look at creating a smaller runtime image from within Smalltalk. Using a small package, rather than an external application, we can make production of such images more easily scriptable. Technorati Tags: smalltalk Doing Something Right- (Found July 8, 2008 ) This demonstrates just how much Apple fans love Apple products - the most insane amongst them are already lining up for the 3G iPhone. A week early. Say what you want about fanboys, you don't generate this level of product loyalty with bad stuff.Technorati Tags: apple, pr links for 2008-07-07 from (Found July 8, 2008 ) Facebook &8216;dipping&8217; craze irks pool owners - Telegraph This sounds like another hoax, like &8220;toothing.&8221; Remember that one (tags: facebook via:friendfeed) Photos: Top 10 newly discovered species CNET (tags: photos clipart via:friendfeed biology) Instant coworkers Coworking in Austin, and Houston. (tags:... Must Read: Google Robots.txt Parsing Weirdness- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Google search bot (Googlebot) parses robots.txt file to find excluded sections of the site like any good webbots. However unlike the other bots, Google bot behaves differently when you have a section for all bots () as well as a section specifically for Googlebot. Let&8217;s say you have a section in robots.txt for all bots beginning ... MS should leave Yahoo be- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Mathew Ingram explains that there are things strnger than fiction - like the long running MSYahoo saga: I think even infamous zombie-movie director George Romero would have felt outmatched by the ongoing Yahoo takeover saga, which has gone beyond drama into farce, then back into drama, then taken a right turn into the bizarre, and now... LugRadio Live UK 2008 schedule published!- (Found July 8, 2008 ) After weeks of blood, sweat and tears trying to get a talk title out of Rob McQueennail down the schedule for LugRadio Live UK 2008, it&8217;s finally available! Go see the LRL UK schedule to see who&8217;s speaking and when I&8217;m pretty damned proud of the list of people we&8217;ve put together. There&8217;s a good mixture of ... Learning to prepare eel- (Found July 8, 2008 ) From "Kyoto's Never-Changing Scene", Gourmet, May 2007, p. 225It took him a good three years to learn to slice eel correctly, he said, but at least eight to learn how to properly insert the skewers. "I've only been in the kitchen for ten years, so I haven't mastered it yet. Every eel is different. I'm still benkyo studying every day," he... What's New in Edge Rails: Easy Join Table Conditions- (Found July 8, 2008 ) For an application with anything above a moderate level of domain complexity its quite likely that youve had to perform a query utilizing a join table: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 class Article < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :articles end Get all the users that have published articles... SEO: Don't Bother- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Jeff Jarvis notes that as search becomes more personalized, SEO tricks become less and less valuable: What does that mean to brands The world gets confusing once more. But I think it means that true relevance becomes more important than SEO tricks. It also means that the more relationships you have with people -- the more they talk about you... IncrementalMigration- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Like any profession, software development has it's share of oft-forgotten activities that are usually ignored but have a habit of biting back at just the wrong moment. One of these is data migration.Most new software projects involve data that's lived somewhere else and now needs to be moved into the new system once it's live. A system... |