Sullivan NewsLocal news for Sullivan, OH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Seats open on all school boards in county- October 23, 2007 "There's no reason why we can't hit 30 out of 30 (indicators). I just feel that it's a really, really important thing ... because our kids are our future. It sounds clich ©, but it's true" Voters in all Medina County's school districts will elect board members on Nov. 6. Terms are four years and board members earn $125 per meeting. via Medina County Gazette Stop Or I'll Shout- October 18, 2007 "I won't normally do one-person shows. There'll be lots going on." Been meaning to check out an area theater you've heard good things about but haven't gotten around to it Here's your big chance. via Free Times Kingsfield returns to airwaves- October 16, 2007 "I have known for a few months that I had been hired by Channel 2, but could not talk about it because of a non-compete restriction on the contract I had with the other stations" TV, Channel 2's new anchor Michelle Kingsfield is replacing Coleen Sullivan, 33, who left the station to travel to England, where she was linked with Charles Spencer, the brother of Princess Diana. via Dayton Daily News Sep- October 4, 2007 "The University of Akron Steel Drum Band is acclaimed nationally" University of Akron Steel Drum Band plays in Medina The beat rolls on for Medina residents as the University of Akron Steel Drum Band comes to town to showcase its percussive talents. via Medina County Gazette Visitors discover farming Alpacas, natural beef burgers & great weather bring out the crowds for annual county tour- October 2, 2007 "I tell her she puts in 10 hours a week, but she tells me she puts in 60" Reynee Hostetler points out some information about alpacas to visitors Saturday at Finnish Farm during the annual Ashland County Farm Tour. via Ashland Times-Gazette |