Venetia NewsLocal news for Venetia, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Venetia family to serve as ambassadors for March of Dimes event- April 11, 2008 "The pediatricians can't believe their progress. It's not that they're off the charts for growth, but they're not far below those of full-term babies." Richard "Trip" Bondi III and his twin brother, George, are rambunctious 2-year-olds who keep their parents and big sister on the move. via O-R Online Cops cite teenagers at party in Peters- April 9, 2008 When Peters Township police responded to a report of three suspicious men walking around Doubletree Drive Saturday night, they uncovered an underage drinking party. via O-R Online 3 troopers from county promoted to corporal- April 1, 2008 Three state police officers from Allegheny County are among 56 troopers who have been promoted to corporal. via Pittsburgh Tribune |