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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for September 2007

The Clingan Zone

The almost-daily thoughts of a customer-focused Sun employee.

BEA taking notice of GlassFish - September 27, 2007

Looks like BEA is taking notice of GlassFish. Bill Roth offered some counter-arguments to our "10% better performance than BEA WebLogic 9.x" comparison, which is both expected and an appropriate thing to do. Bill asked some open-ended questions which I addressed for the benefit of the BEA community. I also offered some clarification around some of the points that Bill made so the WebLogic community has a better understanding of the GlassFish community. Bill's a busy guy (moderated...

GlassFish V2: The start of something great - September 22, 2007

What a difference two weeks make. Two weeks ago I was pulling (what's left of) my hair out trying to get the T's crossed and the i's dotted on GlassFish before the Monday launch. Pre-and-post-launch I've have been talking to potential customers, the sales force, analysts and the press. The word is getting out and the feedback is extremely positive.I can't help feel that this GlassFish launch is the start of something great. Yes, Sun has had an application server (in one form or another) for...

GlassFish V2 released with cost-efficient annual subscriptions - September 17, 2007

There is a good reason for the rather long pause at The Clingan Zone. As mentioned previously, I moved out of the field and into corporate as the GlassFish Group Product Manager. In that role, I have been working in the background doing my part to help move GlassFish V2 towards the goal line. As of today, we've crossed that line. GlassFish V2 is formally released!!GlassFish V1, the first Java EE 5 application server available, focused on developers with Java EE 5 ease-of-development features,...
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